9/2/2021: The 2021 HRW harvest is now complete with planting of the 2022 crop underway in several states. This will be the final harvest report for 2021 with a summary of all data following within the next 3 to 4 weeks reviewing lab test results and early crop development as it exists at that time.
Early testing data: There are currently 522 of an expected 525 samples in the lab and with grade data on 488 of those. Moisture (10.9%), protein (11.9%) and dockage (0.5%) remained unchanged this week. TKW decreased this week from 30.2 grams to 30.0 grams, test weight decreased from 60.4 lbs/bu (79.5 kg/hl) to 60.3 lbs/bu (79.3 kg/hl). Both are a reflection of the weather extremes (heat and drought) imposed on this crop during the growing season. Falling number increased slightly from last week’s (364 sec.) to (368 sec.) this week. Foreign material increased slightly this week (from 0.2% to 0.3%). Other kernel factors remained unchanged from last week.
There are now 70 composites formed with 59 samples now milled. Dough and bake tests continue on samples from Texas through Nebraska. Overall average bake absorption is 62.5% down slightly from last week’s 62.7% (maximum 67.0%, minimum 59.6%. std dev. 1.8%). Overall average farinograph stability is 9 minutes with a std dev of 1.81 min. Farinograph average absorption (14% mb) is 58.4% with a std dev of 2.3%. Alveograph data continues to indicate the need for monitoring during mixing as over mixing will be possible. As was stated last week, while predictive test indicates shorter stability times and weaker dough strength this crop can still make a very good final product, the average loaf volume of 882cc (average across all protein ranges) when handled properly. This is above the industry standard (Wheat Quality Council, Quality Targets) for acceptable loaf volume is >850cc.