August 28th, 2015

Rain showers over the past week in Idaho, and more numerous and heavier storms in North Dakota, slowed harvesting of what few acres that remain to be cut of the 2015 HRW wheat crop. All other states are essentially complete with the 2015 HRW wheat harvest.

460 of a now expected 510 total samples are now in the lab and in various stages of testing. The remaining 50 samples are in transit to the lab from North Dakota. There was very little change in overall average testing data this week with only slight increases in TW and dockage and a very slight decrease in FN. Initial dough data for the southern one-third of Gulf Tributary samples indicate short mix times (4.5 min) and short stability times (6.0 min). This coupled with an initial average mixing tolerance index of 38 (BU) would suggest below average dough strength. However, the average farinograph absorption is 61.3% which is higher than last year (60.6%) and initial average loaf volume is 876 cc which is comparable to last year’s 873 cc. This would indicate while mix time is key, this crop is capable of producing very good end products.

Click link to download a PDF of the PGI HRW Harvest Summary Aug 28 2015

Harvest Summary
Tst Exp MST Pro% DKG TKW FN Grade Test Weight FM DMG S&B DEF
460 510 11.2 12.3 0.8 29.3* 399* 2HRW 59.2 77.9 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.7
FINAL 2014
525 Final 11.7 13.3 0.4 30.7 387 1HRW 60.7 79.9 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.4

*Partial Data